Stomatologist № 4 (31) – 2018, pp. 29-33                                                                                                                                 Scientific publication

Microorganisms forming biofilm in the pathogenesis of sialadenitis

V.K. Okylicha, A.I. Goncharovab

aMD, PhD, Associate Professor, Vitebsk State Medical University, Vitebsk, Belarus
bVitebsk State Medical University, Vitebsk, Belarus

The aim of the study is to determine the role of microorganisms forming biofilm in the pathogenesis of sialadenitis.
Objects and methods. Totally 86 patients with sialadenitis were examined. Patients were on inpatient treatment in the Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital. Isolation and identification of ductal saliva microorganisms among patients with sialadenitis were carried out. The ability of isolates to form biofilms was determined. Sensitivity assessment of the isolated microorganisms to antibiotics in biofilm was performed.
Results and discussion. The significance of the microbial factor was confirmed in 77.9 per cent of cases. The representatives of the genus Streptococcus (45.8%) and the genus Staphylococcus (32.9%) prevailed among the identified isolates. The representatives of the species S. aureus – 24.45; 20.27 – 49.29 μg / socket had the greatest ability to form a microbial film among the frequently occurring isolates. An increased МIК90 from 8,5 to 99 times was determined due to the comparison of MIK90 S. aureus in plankton and biofilm forms. Imipenem, meropenem and vancomycin were the most effective against S. aureus.
Conclusions.. The etiological structure of sialadenitis was studied. The ability of the selected isolates to form biofilms was determined. The sensitivity of the isolated microorganisms to antibiotics in the composition of the biofilm was evaluated.

Keywords: sialadenitis, biofilm, antibiotics


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