Journal policy

The journal “Dentist” publishes scientific and practical information on dental problems. This edition includes topical issues on contemporary modules of dentistry such as diagnosis, prevention, endodontics, periodontology, diseases of the oralmucosa, comprehensive dental care for adults and children, dental public health, conservative andsurgical dentistry, gerodontology and maxillofacial surgery.

Since 2012, the journal “Dentist” is currently an international scientific and practical publication that has a subscription index not only in the CIS countries but also in a number of European countries.

The aim of the journal is a wide elucidation of scientific achievements in the field of clinical and experimental dentistry. The journal publishes articles of scientific and practical value for a wide range of dentists, covering all areas of this speciality.

The published material is divided into topical headings. These are original scientific articles, reviews and educational articles, description of cases from practice, information about scientific forums, conferences, interviews with prominent experts in the field and others.

The preference is given to research works that contain new results of clinical and experimental studies in various sections of dentistry. First of all, the journal publishes papers that offer innovative methods of treating patients and new technological developments.