Ethical requirements
Procedure for reviewing and recalling articles
The journal “Dentist” is peer-reviewed by the HAC of the Republic of Belarus. It is included in the international base eLIBRARY.RU and Google Scholar.
To publish an article in the journal “Dentist”, authors need to submit an application with attached documents for an open press (Sample Application), as well as an expert opinion on the possibility of publication (An exemplary example of an expert opinion).
The rules are created in accordance with the “Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals” formulated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
The editorial board accepts only those manuscripts that were not published earlier or sent to other journals simultaneously.
The authors should organize a six-month subscription to the journal for publishing their manuscript and receiving the author copies. Payment of the subscription to the journal “Dentist” is carried out before the manuscript publication. The six-month subscription receipts of all the authors should be attached to the manuscript.
The authors of the manuscript are responsible for the accuracy of the presented information. The manuscript should be carefully edited, verified and signed by all authors and scientific supervisor.
Due to the fact that journal articles have a numeric DOI identifier, we recommend that you follow the rules for the publication.
It is obligatory to present materials in printed and electronic versions (
Format of the manuscript text | – MS WORD editor; – Times New Roman font; – 14 pt size; – 1.5 line spacing; – width of the left margin – 3 cm, top and bottom – 2.5 cm, right – 1 cm; – page numbering – bottom centre; – measurements – in units of the International System (SI); – text should be printed on white A4 paper in 3 copies. |
Volume of the manuscript | – not less than 0.35 author’s page (14 000 printed characters with spaces). |
Structure of the manuscript | – manuscript title, name initials and surname of the authors, information about the authors, abstract, keywords, introduction, aim of the study, objects and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, references, application author(s) |
Manuscript title | – Manuscript title should be written in Russian and English languages.3 |
Information about the authors (in Russian and English) | – Maximum number of authors is 4 persons. – surname, name, patronymic;1,2 – scientific degree, rank; – position, place of work (name of institution, Department, division); – correspondence address (work postcode, address, phone numbers, e-mail address of the author for editorial correspondence).1 The numerical index should be marked beside each surname and corresponding institution in case of several authors. 2 The authors surnames should be transliterated on the website The official English version of the institution name where the work has been performed should be mentioned. |
Abstract | – Abstract should be written in Russian and English languages.3 – Volume should be 1700 – 1800 printed characters with spaces (both Russian and English versions); – Structure should be the following: aim, objects and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, and keywords. 3English translation should be professional and fully correspondent to the Russian version in meaning and structure. |
Keywords | – Keywords should be written in Russian and English languages. – Number of keywords should be no more than 6. – Keywords should be given according to the list of Medical Subject Headings |
Introduction | – Introduction is a brief review of the literature on this problem. – Author should note the previously unsolved problems. – Links to other authors’ works including recent foreign publications in this field are obligatory. |
Aim of the research | – Aim of the research should be clearly formulated and substantiated. |
Objects and methods of the research | – Author should give a detailed characteristic of the research objects, applied methods, equipment, diagnostic and therapeutic technologies with references. – Methods of statistical analysis should be briefly described at the end of the section. |
Results of the research and their | – Section «Results and discussion» contains research results and their illustration by figures and tables. – Obtained results should be discussed from the point of their scientific novelty and compared with the corresponding known data. |
Conclusion | -Conclusion should be clearly stated. It should reflect the main obtained results corresponding to the aim of the research and indicating their novelty, advantages and application possibilities. |
Application author(s) | At the end of the article, the authors indicate that they submitted an application with attached documents for the open press. |
References4 | – Bibliographic data on each Russian source should be given in Russian language, transliteration5 (in Latin alphabet) and in English language. – Original articles should have not more than 10 references, while literature reviews should have not more than 25 references. – References to PhD theses or their abstracts are forbidden. – References should be arranged and numbered in alphabetical order beginning from Russian and followed by other languages. – References in the text should be written in square brackets at the end of paragraph. – References should include 4–5 articles published in our journal. – References to our journal should be written as Stomatolog. Minsk.4 Example references see below.5 Program for transliterating Russian text |
Structure of Russian bibliographical references | – authors (surname, initials); – title of the article; – name of the source; – output data (title of journal or publisher, year of publication, number, pages). |
Structure of references in the Latin alphabet | – authors in transliteration; – title of the article in transliteration; – translation of the article title in English [in square brackets]; – name of Russian-language source in transliteration; – translation of the source name into English; – output data with descriptions in English (journal title, year of publication, number, pages) |
DOI6 | – If the author refers to an article that has doi, it should be noted in the end of the link. – DOI of the article can be found on the website or 6Example of the correct doi link: |
Acknowledgements | – Gratitude to individuals and organizations for financial or personal help should be written at the end of the text. |
Tables, figures, formulas | –– Numbering and name should be written in Russian and English languages. – Names should be written under the figure and above the table. – Reference to figures and tables should be given in the text (in parentheses: (fig. 1), (tab. 1)). – Magnification (eyepiece, objective) and method of staining or impregnating the material should be indicated in the legends to microphotographs. – Author should make reference to the other authors figure from another sources. – Number of figures should be 1–3–6–9 etc. (multiples of 3). – Photos should be provided as electronic file in JPEG and TIF formats with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (scale 1:1). – Diagrams made in MS Excel should be provided in the form of .xls and as a figure that will give the possibility to conduct their prepress. |
Accompanying documents
(all questions address to the responsible secretary of the journal “The Stomatologist”) |
Project: – letter of recommendation for publication from the author’s work with the stamp and signature of the head of the organization and all co-authors (separate cover letter should be submitted for each organization specified in the manuscript); – letter signed by all authors confirming that the manuscript has not been previously published and it is not currently in the editorial office of another journal; – copies of the permission signed by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus (Ministries of Health of CIS countries) on new treatment methods, new medicines and equipment (diagnostic and therapeutic); – data on presence or absence of a conflict of interests; – information about the source of funding the research in the form of grants, equipment, medicines, the presence of the sponsor and its role in determining the structure of the research and making decision on the text submission for publication; – written guarantee about the absence of compensation from the manufacturers of medicines, medical equipment and materials including the competitors able to affect the results of the research. |
Order of peer reviewing the article | – Manuscript is published after review and approval by the editorial board. – Editorial board reserves the right to shorten, edit manuscripts and to adapt them to the sections of the journal. – Publication of 2 or more manuscripts of one author in one issue of the journal can be possible as an exception in case of providing the cover letter by the scientific supervisor. – Materials that do not meet the requirements are accepted after revision. – Correspondence with the members of the editorial board is organized by electronic mail ( – Manuscripts accepted for publication remain in the editorial office. – Re-publication of the article in other media is possible only with written permission of the editorial board. |
Example of article in Russian language | 1 | Dedova L.N., Lapickaja A.V. Bystroprogressirujushhij periodontit: metody lechenija. Ch.2 [Aggressive periodontitis: current methods. Part 2]. Stomatolog. Minsk. –Dentist. Minsk. 2014, no. 1(12), pp. 11-16. |
Example of abstracts in Russian language | 2 | Dedova L.N., Apanasovich M.V., Jenzimoterapija. Vozmozhnosti primenenija v stomatologii [Enzyme therapy. Possibilities of application in stomatology] Innovacii v medicine i farmacii –2016: sb. dokladov distancionnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii studentov i molodyh uchenyh [Innovations in medicine and pharmacy – 2016: collection of reports of the remote scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists]. Minsk: BSMU |
Example of book in Russian language | 3 | Dedova L.N., Denisova Ju.L., Kandrukevich O.V., Solomevich A.S. Terapevticheskaja stomatologija. Bolezni periodonta. [Therapeutic dentistry. Periodontal diseases] Minsk: Jekoperspektiva Publ., 2016. 268 p. |
Example of article in English language | 4 | Author A.A., Author B.B., Author C.C. Title of article. Title of Journal, 2005, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 49-53. |
Detailed description of the “Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals” developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors can be found on the website