Dentist № 1 (52) – 2024, pp. 8-19 MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY
Facial pain and pain syndromes in vegetative ganglia lesion: clinic, diagnosis, treatment
D.A. Hrychaniuka, A.S. Artyushkevichb, G.M. Rumanc
aMD, PhD, DMSci, Associate Professor, Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus
bMD, PhD, DMSci, Professor, Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Healthcare Personnel of Educational Institution «Belarusian State Medical University», Minsk, Belarus
cMD, PhD, DMSci, Associate Professor, Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Healthcare Personnel of Educational Institution «Belarusian State Medical University», Minsk, Belarus
Damage to the nervous structures of the face can be of different origin. Facial pain (prosopalgia) is pain in the facial area of varying etiology and pathogenesis. More often, these are infectious and allergic disorders, usually secondary, arising from the development of a chronic infectious process in the tissues of the face (inflammation of the sinuses of the nose, middle ear, dental pathology, diseases of the salivary glands, etc.). The cause of autonomic facial pain can also be injuries, tumors, etc. With a long course of autonomic prosopalgia, patients develop asthenodepressive and hypochondrial disorders. Diagnosis and treatment of facial pain requires the involvement of a number of specialists – dentist, neurologist, otolaryngologist, neurosurgeon, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist. There is no precise classification today that would reflect the interests and understanding of all interested specialties. The article provides information about various types of facial pain, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis and modern principles of treatment of the most common types of orofacial pain.
Keywords: pain syndrome, odontogenic, neuralgia, plexalgia, prosonalgia, facial pain
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