About the journal

The magazine is included in the list of scientific editions of Belarus for publication of results of dissertational researches on medical branch of a science (a scientific direction – stomatology), The Higher Academic Commission of Belarus from 05.10.2011, report №16/3.

Official Publication of The Public Association of Belorussian Stomatologists.


The scientific and practical journal “Dentist” has been published since 2010. It presents scientific articles, literature reviews, clinical studies and their results, information on advanced domestic and foreign experience, information and advertising materials.

The editor-in-chief of the journal is Liudmila Nikolaevna Dedova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Fellow of Academy of Dentistry (ADI).

The editorial staff and the editorial board of the magazine are represented by well-known and authoritative native and foreign scientists.

It should be noted the high level of scientific articles presented in the journal, literary reviews, clinical studies, information on advanced native and foreign experience.

We are glad to inform you that our journal is included in the subscription catalogs of the Republic of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania and Moldova.

Read, write to us and wait for the next issue!


The journal has DOI dated 11/14/2018.
The journal «Dentist» is included
in the electronic databases:
RSCIeLIBRARY and Google Scholar
Citation – 1078
Impact-factor – 0,488
Hirsch index – 14