Editor in Chief

ЛН Дедова Для интернетаProfessor Liudmila Nikolaevna Dedova is a founder and editor-in-chief of the scientific and practical journal «Stomatologist», a member of the editorial board of a number of magazines in the near and far abroad, a former member of the Council for defending PhD thesis in dentistry at Belarusian State Medical University, a former expert in dentistry atHigher Attestation Commissionof the Republic of Belarus, Chairman of the Public Association of Belorussian Stomatologists.L. N. Dedova received awards for efficient long-term work such as «Honour of Health of the Republic of Belarus», «For a Significant Personal Contribution to the Development of MSMI-BSMU»; honorary medals of St. Petersburg State Medical University, «Honorary Doctor» of the Eurasian Union State; memorable clocks of BSMU; honorary diplomas and certificates «For Long-term Conscientious Work and High Professional Skills in the Field of Health Care» of the Member State of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as the Presidium of the Republican Committee of the Belarusian Professional Union of Health Workers, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and the Belarusian State Medical University. American Bibliographic Instituteawarded Liudmila Nikolaevna withthe diploma «For Outstanding Contribution to Modern Society». She also received the title «Woman of the Year» (1998).Liudmila Nikolaevnais a full member of the International Academy of Dentists (ADI) since 2008. She is the authorof more than 300 scientific works, 44 inventions and 40 rationalization proposals, as well as more than 300 speeches on periodontology in the near and far abroad.