Stomatologist № 3 (26) — 2017, pp. 21-27                                                                                                                               Scientific publication

Application of ultrasound in endodontics

L.Yu. Orekhovaa, T.V. Porkhunb, V.Y. Vashnevab, E.A. Rubezhovac
aMD, PhD, DMSci, Professor, Pavlov First State Medical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
bMD, PhD, Associate professor, Pavlov First State Medical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
cPavlov First State Medical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of ultrasound in endodontic practice in various clinical cases.
Objects and methods. Extracted teeth, divided into 2 experimental groups, were used to assess the degree of the tooth cavity cleaning. In the first group, the tooth cavity was treated mechanically and medically without ultrasound use. In the second group, the tooth cavity was treated mechanically and medically with ultrasound use. Ultrasound treatment was found to improve significantly the level of tooth cavity cleaning at the preparatory stage for endodontic treatment.
Extracted teeth, divided into 3 experimental groups were used in our study to demonstrate the efficiency of passive ultrasonic irrigation.
Results and discussion. The results of scanning electron microscopy of extracted teeth slices which show the level of purification of the root canal previously treated mechanically and medically are attached to the article. Our research leads to the conclusion that the activation of the irrigation solution with sound or ultrasound leads to significant increase in quality of root canal cleaning.
The article presents 3 clinical cases of ultrasound application in procedure of extraction a silver post, a fiberglass post and a fragment of the canal filling instrument from the root canal. The research has found that use of ultrasound in modern endodontic practice facilitates the extraction of intracanal posts and instrument fragments, with duration of intervention being reduced and the possibility of saving the tooth in complicated clinical cases being increased.
Conclusion. The results of the research lead to the conclusion that ultrasound should be used almost at every stage of endodontic treatment.

Keywords: ultrasound, endodontics, root canal, passive ultrasonic irrigation, post removal, broken instruments removal


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