Stomatologist № 4 (31) – 2018, pp. 39-43 Scientific publication
Prevalence of dentoalveolar anomalies and deformities in school-age children living in Vitebsk
S.P. Rubnikovicha, Ye.V. Kuz’menkob, Yu.L. Denisovac, O.Yu. Boginskiyd, V.A. Andreevae, Ya.I. Timchuke
aMD, PhD, DMSci, Professor, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Minsk, Belarus
bMD, PhD, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Minsk, Belarus
cMD, PhD, DMSci, Professor, Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus
dHead doctor of Vitebsk Regional Clinical Dental Center, Vitebsk, Belarus
eMD, PhD, Associate Professor, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Minsk, Belarus
The aim of the study is to assess the prevalence of the main dentoalveolar anomalies and deformities among school-age children living in Vitebsk.
Objects and methods. The research included the analysis of the data from 1023 cards of the patients aged 6–17 years who were treated at the orthodontic department of the Vitebsk pediatric dental clinic in 2018. The patient’s age, characteristics and relation of dentitions in the sagittal, vertical and transversal planes, size of the overjet and overbite, findings on the position and number of teeth were recorded in a specially designed card. The three study groups were formed in order to conduct the subsequent analysis of the obtained data.
Results and discussion. The anomalies of tooth position in children aged 6–17 years were observed in most cases (72.77%). Tooth dispositions were associated with the shortening and narrowing of the dental arches in more than 50% of clinical cases. The most common anomalies of the relation between dental arches in school-age children were distal (36.75%) and deep types of occlusion (23.56%).
Conclusion. Thus the population of Vitebsk needs a comprehensive program improving the organization of orthodontic care.
Keywords: prevalence of dental diseases, dental anomalies, distal occlusion, deep byte, adentia
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