Stomatologist № 4 (31) – 2018, pp. 83-87                                                                                                                               Scientific publication

Regeneration of bone tissue after fractures of the lower jaw complicated by traumatic osteomyelitis of nonspecific etiology

S.V. Siraka, A.A. Andreevb
aMD, PhD, DMSci, Stavropol State Medical University, Stavropol, Russia
bStavropol State Medical University, Stavropol, Russia

The article is devoted to the problem of increasing the efficiency of stimulating the regenerative processes in the maxillofacial region in cases of mandibular fractures complicated by traumatic osteomyelitis of nonspecific etiology.
The aim of the study is to investigate the effectiveness of the Mexidol effect on the healing of non-gunshot bone wounds, complicated by traumatic osteomyelitis of non-specific etiology.
Materials and methods. The experiments were conducted on 60 white laboratory rats. The fracture of the lower jaw was simulated, saline (control group) and Mexidol were injected.
Results and discussion. It was established that the process of healing a fracture in animals of both groups proceeded unequally. The injection of Mexidol to animals activated the formation of osteoblastic tissue, the early appearance of osteoid and young bone beams in the regeneration zones, with the markedly accelerated transformation of these structures into spongy and functionally differentiated lamellar bone tissue. These processes were mild in animals of the control group.
Conclusion. The conducted experimental studies give the possibility to improve the treatment of traumatic osteomyelitis, especially in patients with reduced immunobiological resistance.

Keywords: regeneration, jaw fracture, osteomyelitis, experiment.


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