Stomatologist № 4 (31) – 2018, pp. 70-76 Scientific publication
Evaluation of the effectiveness among the modern methods for preventing enamel caries
Zh.V. Solovyevaa, A.A. Adamchikb
aKuban State Medical University, Krasnodar, Russia
bMD, PhD, Associate Professor, The Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar, Russia
Despite the success of modern dentistry in the prevention of caries, its prevalence still remains at a high level. The timely diagnostics, the prevention at the initial stage of the enamel demineralization allows preventing the development of defects in the hard tissue as well as the caries complications.
The aim of the study is to evaluate the clinical efficacy of using remedies for deep fluoridation (Fluorine Lux, TechnoDent, Russia) and biomineralization (TOO, InnoDent, Kazakhstan) in preventing enamel caries.
Objects and methods. Totally, 108 volunteers aged 20 – 30 years with various levels of oral hygiene took part in the study. The volunteers were examined using the TER-test (V.R. Okusko) as well as the acid enamel biopsy (V.K. Leontyev and V.A. Distel) to assess the efficacy of the remineralizing effect among the studied remedies. The comparison of the acid enamel biopsy and the test of enamel resistance in the study groups was performed by means of the Wilcoxon and Manny-Whitney test.
Results and discussion. The received results of the acid enamel biopsy and the test of enamel resistance indicated the efficacy of the deep fluoridation and biomineralization within the program of preventing enamel caries. However, one of the determining factors of the clinical efficacy is the implementation of individual oral hygiene.
Conclusions. A reliable relation between the efficacy of prevention and the level of oral hygiene was revealed in patients of the study groups. The deep fluoridation is one of the effective methods for remineralizing therapy, contributing to the improvement of the enamel resistance.
Keywords: prevention, caries, deep fluoridation, enamel biomineralization, test of enamel resistance, acid biopsy.
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