Stomatologist № 4 (31) – 2018, pp. 64-69 Scientific publication
Immunohistochemical features of the major salivary glands in case of experimental periodontitis
A.G. Siraka, E.V. Shchetininа, S.V. Siraka, N.N. Didenkob
aMD, PhD, DMSci, Professor, Stavropol State Medical University, Stavropol, Russia
bStavropol State Medical University, Stavropol, Russia
The article presents the results of a complex histochemical study of proteins and polysaccharides of the major salivary glands in experimental periodontitis in rats.
The aim of the study is to comprehensive histochemical study of proteins and polysaccharides of the major salivary glands with experimental periodontitis.
Conclusions. It was established that the terminal sections of the parotid glands are lined with protein glandular cells, and the terminal sections of the submandibular glands are formed of glandular cells of two kinds, such as protein and mucous, differing from each other, both functionally and morphologically. There was only a small amount of protein in the secret of mucous cells in case of periodontitis. Protein cells intensively secreted mucopolysaccharides, starting from the 10th day of the experiment. It was found that the presence of sialic acids in the mucous cells of the submandibular and sublingual glands and in the secretory cells of the parotid gland is a kind of marker of acute periodontitis. The absence of sialic acids in these structures may be one of the signs of chronic inflammation in the periodontal tissues.
Keywords: salivary glands, periodontitis, experiment
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