Dentist № 1 (40) – 2021, pp. 34-38                                                                               IMPLANTOLOGY: SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION

Scientific justification of differentiated treatment of patients with periimplantitis based on clinical and laboratory indicators

T.L. Shevela

MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus

It is known that the choice of treatment depends on the stage and development degree of the disease, and in this regard, a differentiated approach to carrying out rehabilitation measures remains relevant. In the special modern literature, the complex treatment of peri-implantitis is represented by a wide range of hygiene methods, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory therapy, and surgical treatment.
The aim of the study was to develop and scientifically substantiate the differentiated treatment of patients with inflammatory and destructive processes in the area of installed implants.
Objects and methods. 94 patients with the development of inflammatory and destructive processes in the area of implantation were examined. In them oral hygiene index, the diagnostic immunochromatographic membrane method of the test cassette for the presence of antibodies to Helicobacter pylori in oral fluid, the value of the peri-implantitis index, and radiation research methods were determined in dynamics.
Results and discussion. The analysis of the studied parameters in patients made it possible to systematize the development of peri-implantitis and to carry out a differentiated distribution of patients depending on the stages of development of inflammatory and destructive processes in the tissues surrounding the dental implant: mucositis, peri-implantitis I (preclinical) stage, peri-implantitis stage II, peri-implantitis stage III.
Conclusion. Thus, for the successful treatment of peri-implantitis, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures, including professional oral hygiene, surgical treatment aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and conducting antibacterial therapy by actively affecting the microflora in the implant area and optimizing the regeneration of damaged bone tissue.

Keywords: peri-implantitis, implant, differential treatment


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