Dentist № 1 (40) – 2021, pp. 63-70 EXPERIENCE EXCHENGE
Effectiveness of minimally invasive dental caries treatment
N.V. Novak
MD, PhD, DMSci, Associate Professor, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Minsk, Belarus
The development of technical equipment and materials science in modern dentistry opens up wide prospects for the restoration in the natural form of teeth destroyed by caries and non-carious process. We are talking about restoration with full compensation for the lost chewing or aesthetic function. It should be noted an increase in interest on the part of specialists in the so-called minimally invasive methods of treatment: it became possible to treat combined lesions using methods that require minimal excision of hard tooth tissues and the preservation of viable pulp.
The aim of the study is to study the effectiveness of minimally invasive treatment of dental caries.
Objects and methods. To evaluate the quality of the made restorations using the developed aesthetic quality index, their color characteristics and shape were determined immediately after manufacture and after 12–18 months.
Results and discussion. The results of clinical evaluation of the constructed structures after 12–18 months of operation showed that 96.8% of aesthetic restorations retained their original appearance. Only 3.2% of the works had fractures and surface roughness, pigmentation along the edge of the seal, which can be explained by noncompliance with the rules for the operation of structures and insufficient individual hygiene.
Conclusion.Treatment of teeth with carious lesions using minimally invasive methods allows to achieve high efficiency, while preserving hard tooth tissues.
Keywords: minimally invasive dental treatment, caries, aesthetic quality index
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