Dentist № 1 (40) – 2021, pp. 20-25                                                                               IMPLANTOLOGY: SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION

Comparative analysis of cyst treatment using the endocortical method of resorbable membranes placement

A.A. Rachkov

Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus

Surgical treatment of radicular cysts of the jaws, directed to preservation of the causative tooth, is accompanied by the formation of a bone defect that requires its replacement. Known methods which designed to stimulate bone regeneration can be optimized and applied in outpatient practice.
The aim of the study – to compare the long-term results of surgical treatment of the jaw radicular cysts’s recurrence using standard and endocortical methods of fixing resorbable membranes.
Objects and methods. The study included 42 patients with the jaw radicular cysts’s recurrence. Patients of the group I underwent cystectomy followed by fixation of resorbable membranes using the standard method, patients of the group II – by endocortical fixation method.
Results and discussion. The study demonstrated the advantage of the proposed method of membrane fixation. This was confirmed by the results of X-ray research methods carried out 12 months after surgical treatment.
Conclusion. The endocortical fixation method prevents membrane displacement and allows the restoration of jaw bone volume.

Keywords: radicular cysts of the jaws, resorbable barrier membranes, guided bone regeneration


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