Dentist № 1 (52) – 2024, pp. 56-63 EXPERIENCE EXCHENGE
Anomalies of teeth position: features of diagnosis and treatment according to new clinical protocol
Yu.L. Denisovaa, I.V. Degterevab, V.M. Pushkinab, E.Ya. Yurkevichb, A.S. Frolenkovb, A.S. Rubnikovichс
aMD, PhD, Professor, Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus
bClinic ‘Doctor Profi’, Minsk, Belarus
cBelarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus
Anomalies of tooth position are the most common orthodontic pathology. The constant increase in the number of dental position anomalies has necessitated the development and implementation of a new clinical protocol for diagnosis and orthodontic treatment.
The aim of the study is to determine the features of the diagnosis and of dental position anomalies according to the new clinical protocol.
Results and discussion. The basis of modern orthodontics is a well-designed individual treatment plan. The selection of adequate diagnostic methods, on the basis of which treatment planning is carried out, is an extremely important stage in all subsequent work. The main principles of diagnosing of dental position anomalies: identifying factors influencing its occurrence and development, determining the degree of severity, as well as indications for treatment, choosing a treatment method and tactics of a specialist; identifying the relationship between dental and general health and the presence of this pathology.
Conclusion. The developed and clinically proven new set of therapeutic and diagnostic measures for children of high school age and adults with anomalies in the position of individual teeth allows the orthodontist to significantly improve the functional and aesthetic state of the dental system of the subject, reduce the risk of complications, which will increase the efficiency of orthodontic care in the Republic of Belarus.
Keywords: anomalies of teeth position, diagnosis, treatment
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