Dentist № 4 (43) – 2021, pp. 16-22 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION
Patients with arterial hypertension at the dentist’s appointment: identification and frequency of occurrence
E.N. Anisimovaa, N.Yu. Anisimovaa, I.V. Orekhovab, N.A. Ryazanceva
aMD, PhD, Associate Professor, Moscow state university of medcine and dentistry, Moscow, Russia
bMoscow state university of medcine and dentistry, Moscow, Russia
The aim of the study. Hypertension and measurement of their blood pressure by dentists before the dental intervention at an outpatient appointment.
Objects and methods. 642 patients aged 18 to 74 years (398 women, 244 men) were examined in order to detect hypertension, and the results of a sociological study (2000-2020) were analyzed, representing the opinions of 5,500 dentists on determining the frequency of blood pressure measurement in patients before dental intervention.
Results and discussion. According to the study results it was determined that the incidence of patient’s hypertension at an outpatient dental appointment is 54%, while the patient’s motivation to consult a cardiologist is 84%, during the study period (2000-2020), the frequency of blood pressure measurements by dentists before treatment increased up to 30%.
Conclusion. Dentist can first diagnose a patient’s hypertension, form his motivation for further examination by therapist and (or) cardiologist and, as a result, play an important role in improving the quality and life expectancy of the population.
Keywords: arterial hypertension, outpatient dental practice, prevention of emergenceis
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