Dentist № 4 (43) – 2021, pp. 39-46                                                                                                SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION

The role of iodine-containing thyroid hormones in postfracture restoration of function and regeneration of the area of traumatic injury of the lower jaw under stress

I.V. Gorodetskayaa, T.N. Markevichb

aMD, PhD, DMSci, Professor, Vitebsk State Medical University”, Vitebsk, Belarus
bVitebsk State Medical University”, Vitebsk, Belarus

The aim of the study is to establish the significance of hypothyroidism in stress-induced postfractural changes of rats mandibular function and structure.
Objects and methods. The experiments were performed on 90 outbred sexually mature white male rats weighing 180-230 g. Stress was executed by “free swimming in the cage” for 30 minutes during 14 days. The fracture of the lower jaw was modeled by using a spherical burr, with which a hole with a diameter of about 2.0 mm was made in the area of projection of the roots of the first left molar in the body of the bone. Hypothyroidism was induced by intragastric introduction of mercazolil (25 mg/kg for 20 days) in 1% starch paste. The function of the lower jaw was assessed by the speed of chewing food of various degrees of hardness and chewing efficiency; its microstructure was investigated on preparations stained with hematoxylin-eosin.
Results and discussion. Stress provokes a greater drop in chewing function in the case of a fracture of the lower jaw due to inhibition of the process of restoration of the damaged area – it decreases the number of islets of cartilaginous and immature bone tissue on the background of the increase of the number of dense irregular connective tissue, collagen fibers and of the area of Haversian canals. These facts indicate retardation of the phases of reparative response. Experimental hypothyroidism negatively affects on the trophics of the mandibular tissue per se and slows down the healing of a bone defect after fracture – both and isolated and combined with stress, resulting in worsening of the chewing function under these conditions.
Conclusion. The participation of iodine-containing thyroid hormones in post-fracture osteoregeneration and restoration of the function of the lower jaw under the influence stress has been proved.

Keywords: iodine-containing thyroid hormones, fracture, stress


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