Stomatologist № 1 (32) – 2019, pp. 56-59                                                                                                                              SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION

Clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of peri-implantitis index in patients after dental implantation

T.L. Shevela

MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus

The aim of the study was to conduct a clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of the peri-implant index.
Objects and methods. A clinical examination of 230 patients with partial secondary edentulous, which in the rehabilitation complex used dental implantation. All patients were divided into two groups, group 1 included 193 patients who did not have inflammation of bone tissue in the area of implants and 37 patients with mucositis or periimplantitis made up group 2. Under clinical conditions, the authors developed and proposed a method for assessing the development of periimplantitis in patients after dental implantation by determining on 30 days clinical indicators characterizing the severity of the postoperative inflammatory process in the tissues directly adjacent to the dental implant, which included assessment of pain syndrome, soft tissue swelling, hyperemia and bleeding mucosa.
Results of the study. So, on the 3rd day of observations when comparing the results of the two groups, the significant differences in the PI index (severity of the inflammatory process) were high in the 2nd group. On seventh day after surgery, when comparing the results of groups 1 and group 2, the values of PI were significantly high in the group with mucositis and periimplantitis. By day 14, the index values had a maximum value in the 2nd group, which clinically corresponded to the development of periimplantitis.
Conclusion. Based on the developed periimplantitis index in clinical conditions, it is possible to identify patients who are predisposed to the development of inflammatory complications after the placing of a dental implant, which will promptly correct post-operative treatment with the appointment of therapeutic measures.

Keywords: peri-implantitis, diagnosis, clinical evaluation


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