Stomatologist № 1 (32) – 2019, pp. 66-70                                                                                                                              SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION

Justification of removal of third lower molars on different stages of the odontosis at patient at the age of 15–20 years

T.I. Chernetsa, O.M. Pavlovb

aStolbtcy District Hospital, Stolbtcy, Belarus
bMD, PhD, Belarussian state medical university Minsk, Belarus

Close position of teeth in frontal department of lower jaw and eruption of the third lower molars have time correlation therefore often communicate with each other. Retention and distopia of the third lower molars are accessory factors of formation of density of teeth and influence stability of the achieved results f orthodontic treatment.
The aim of study it was scientific to prove indications for removal of the third lower molars at different stages of odontosis for prevention of development of the inflammatory phenomena and density of frontal group of teeth of mandible.
Materials and methods. Studying of 32 researches of patients at the age of 15-20 by the CBCT method on the device Sirona Galileos is conducted (Sirona Dental Systems, GmdH, Bensheim, Germany). It is studied 64 third lower molars at different stages of odontosis and linear and angular measurements of the third lower molars and lower jaw in the software of Galileos Viewer are taken.
Results and discussion. The coefficient of ratio of the mesio-distal size of crown of the third lower molars to the level of appropriate bone which is objective criterion for removal of the third lower molars at not created roots is calculated.
Conclusions. The removal of the third molars of lower jaw if the coefficient of ratio of the mesio-distal size of the crown of the third lower molar to the level of appropriate bone more than one, allows to prevent the development of orthodontic anormaly or aggravation or is also one of the way to prevent inflammatory complications at the moment of teething of the third lower molars when there is not enough place in the bone.

Keywords: lower third molars, CBCT, density of teeth, orthodontic treatment


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