Stomatologist № 3 (34) – 2019, pp. 35-39 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION
Effect of tobacco extract on patients leukocyte with leukoplakya of the oral mucosa
N.A. Karpuka, S.P. Rubnikovichb
a MD, PhD, Associate professor, Vitebsk State Medical University, Vitebsk, Belarus
bMD, PhD, DMSci, Professor, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Minsk, Belarus
The aim To study the effect of aqueous tobacco extract on the leukocytes of patients with leukoplakia of the oral mucosa (OM).
Objects and methods. Surveyed smoking patients with leukoplakia OM (n = 22), nonsmoking patients with leukoplakia OM (n = 21), smoking patients without diseases OM (n = 23), non-smoking patients without diseases OM (n = 23). Smokers were considered patients with smoking experience of 10 years or more, smoking 20 cigarettes a day. Non-smokers included patients who never smoked. The groups were homogeneous in age, sex, and duration of the disease.
Results and discussion. After incubation of leukocytes in patients with tobacco extract, myeloperoxidase is released: in 16 (72.7%) smokers and in 7 (33.3%) non-smokers patients with leukoplakia OM in 4 (17.4%) smokers and 5 (22%) non-smoking patients without diseases. The maximum increase in myeloperoxidase after incubation of leukocytes in patients with tobacco extract (83 [59; 107]%) was found in the group of smoking patients with leukoplakia of OM. In non-smoking patients with leukoplakia OM and in smokers without diseases OM, the increase in myeloperoxidase was comparable and made up respectively 25 [10; 42]% and 27 [13; 35]%.
Conclusion. The reaction of myeloperoxidase release allows in vitro to detect the increased sensitivity of white blood cells to cigarette extract. Smoking is one of the leading pathogenetic factor in the development of leukoplakia, ORP. Detection of hypersensitivity to the components of cigarettes is an important diagnostic criterion for leukoplakia OM.
Keywords: leukoplakia, smoking, leukocyte, hypersensitivity
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