Stomatologist № 3 (34) – 2019, pp. 60-66                                                                                                            SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION

Research results and diagnostic significance of biochemical markers of allergic reactions

N.V. Nasibyants

MD, PhD, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Minsk, Belarus

The aim of the study is to determine the diagnostic efficacy of markers of allergic reactions in biological fluids in patients with an allergic component.
Objects and methods. 165 biochemical studies of total immunoglobulin E (IgE), cortisol, histamine, tryptase and adrenaline concentrations in serum and 132 in saliva in dental patients with an allergic component were carried out at the BelMAPO research laboratory as a part of SPSAP “Fundamental and applied sciences to medicine” according to the task 3.11. (2016-2018) “Developing of local anesthesia new methods in dental patients”.
Results and discussion. The diagnostic significance of biochemical markers as the allergic reactions predictors was established.
Conclusion. The results of the performed ROC-analysis allow us to consider the expression of histamine in saliva as a significant laboratory predictor of the development of allergic reactions in patients with local anesthesia.

Keywords: allergy, risk factors, biochemical markers, diagnostic significance, ROC-analysis


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