Stomatologist № 3 (34) – 2019, pp. 40-45                                                                                                                                SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION

The use of the clinical photographic protocol for diagnosis and dynamic observation in the treatment of patients with masticatory muscle parafunctions complicated by functional TMJ disorders

S.P. Rubikovicha, A.S. Grishchenkovb, Yu.L. Denisovac

aMD, PhD, DMSci, Professor, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Minsk, Belarus
bMD, PhD, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Minsk, Belarus
cMD, PhD, DMSci, Professor, Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus

The use of the photographic protocol in the treatment of functional disorders of TMJ and chewing muscles disorders provides a clear motivational resource for patients and allows us to solve the problems of planning and monitoring the dynamics of therapy.
The aim. To develop a photographic protocol for diagnosis and dynamic observation in the treatment of patients with masticatory muscle parafunctions complicated by TMJ functional disorders.
Objects and methods. Digital photographs were taken with a Canon EOS77D SLR camera with individualized settings, and refractors, labret retractors, and intraoral mirrors were also used.
Results and discussion. The article describes the main stages of the photographic protocol for the diagnosis and dynamic monitoring of patients with functional disorders of the TMJ and chewing muscles. Recommendations are given on the features of photographing.
Conclusions. The use of the photographic protocol in the treatment of functional disorders of TMJ and chewing muscles will greatly simplify the task of planning and evaluating treatment and diagnostic measures.

Keywords: photoprotocol, functional disorders of TMJ, masticatory parafunction


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