Stomatologist № 4 (35) – 2019, pp. 46-50                                                                                                                   Experience exchenge

Effectiveness of color correction of devital teeth

N.V. Novak

MD, PhD, DMSci, Professor, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Minsk, Belarus

There are several methods of aesthetic restoration of devital teeth: restoration with vinirs; Tooth whitening; Production of crowns.
The aim of study. Studying of efficiency of correction of color devital of teeth.
Objects and methods. To evaluate the effectiveness of devital teeth color correction, correspondence of devital teeth color to identical tint of standard VITA scale and efficiency of devital teeth color restoration, optical properties and shape recovery using our developed methods of their treatment 105 teeth were examined and treated in 90 patients who applied to Belarusian Medical Academy of Post Graduate Education Department of Therapeutic Dentistry. The method of teeth whitening was used, and in case of its inefficiency – restoration was made.
Results and discussion. In assessing the effectiveness of the clinical whitening results obtained, 3 groups of teeth were isolated. In the 1st group – after whitening, the maximum effective result was obtained: complete restoration of color and fluorescent properties of devital teeth to the desired optical parameters of the adjacent or symmetrical tooth – 37.11%. In the 2nd group – after bleaching, the color and fluorescence of devital teeth recovered partially – 35.05%. In the 3rd group of teeth – negative result was obtained: color and fluorescent properties of devital teeth after whitening did not recover – 27,84%.
Conclusions. Bleaching performance in devital teeth discoloration was determined: positive result was obtained in 37,1% of cases, partially positive – in 35,1% of cases; Lack of result – in 27,8% of cases.

Keywords: bleaching, vinir, esthetic dentistry


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