Stomatologist № 4 (35) – 2019, pp. 39-45                                                                                                                                    Scientific publications

Diagnosis and prognosis of endoperiodontitis

Yu.L. Denisovaa, N.I. Rossenikb

aMD, PhD, DMSci, Professor, Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus
bBelarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus

Сlinical and radiographic diagnosis, as well as prognosis of the endoperiodontitis are contradictory in nature.
The aim of study. The aim of the study is to evaluate the main clinical and radiographic methods of diagnosing endoperiodontitis, as well as to develop and justify the prognosis of endoperiodontitis based on the analysis of these methods.
Objects and methods. The study includes the clinical and radiographic examination of 257 patients aged 35-44 years with periodontal diseases. Сlinical examination includes the determination of the gingival index (GI), gums bleeding index, periodontal index (PI), probing depth of the pathological periodontal pockets, furcation involvement, pathological mobility, migration of teeth, percussion and electric pulp test.
Results and discussion. The main instrumental methods for diagnosing endoperiodontitis are electric pulp test (t = 18,121; p = 0.001) and probing of the pathological periodontal pockets (t = 1.921; p = 0.045). The main radiographic sign of the endoperiodontitis is the endoperiodontal type of the resorption-that means an irregular resorption of the interalveolar septa in the marginal (t = 18.05; p = 0.001) and apical (t = 38.78; p = 0.001) topographical zones of the periodontium.
Conclusions. A new valid method of prognosing endoperiodontitis in patients with periodontal diseases on the basis of regression analysis of prognostic criteria (ŋ2 = 65,0–87,6%) has been developed that makes it possible to qualitatively and quantitatively determine the risk of endoperiodontitis, visually inform the patient, select the necessary therapeutic and diagnostic measures, as well as the frequency of dynamic observation with constant monitoring of prognostic criteria (instruction for use No. 072-1017: approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus on 01.11.2017).

Keywords: endoperiodontitis, periodontal disease, diagnosis, prognosis


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