Stomatologist № 4 (31) – 2018, pp. 52-57 Experience exchange
New approaches to the quality management of dental care provided for the population
S.V. Shulgana, T.V. Kalininab, A.M. Matveevc
aMD, PhD, Associate professor, Belarusian State Medical University, deputy Head doctor of Republican Dental Clinic, Minsk, Belarus
bMD, PhD, Associate Professor, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Minsk, Belarus
cHead doctor of Republican Dental Clinic, MD, PhD, Associate professor, Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus
Quality management of dental care is a multilevel and multidirectional process that requires serious analysis and a creative approach for taking real and effective measures aimed at improving the situation. The basis of it is systematic approach and comprehensive long-term purposeful work. The authors propose a four-level system of measures aimed at improving quality management of dental care for the population, including strategic, tactical, operational and professional levels. The main task and purpose of quality management at the strategic level is the creation of a legislative, regulatory and policy framework. The tactical level of quality management of dental care is the regional dental outpatient clinics. The operative level of quality management of dental care to the population is represented by medical organizations that provide dental care in urban and rural settlements of the republic. The professional level of quality management of dental care is an independent non-departmental level.
Keywords: quality of dental care, quality management level, internal quality control
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