Dentist № 4 (43) – 2021, pp. 47-55 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION
Algorithm of the morphofunctional diagnostics of the dentoalveolar system of patients with malocclusions associated with the temporomandibular joints diseases
S.V. Tekuchevaa, L.S. Persinb, Yu.I. Afanasyevac, M.A. Postnikovd, I.V.Popovaa, E.M. Postnikovae
aMD, PhD, Associate Professor, Moscow state university of medcine and dentistry, Moscow, Russia
bMD, PhD, DMSci, Professor, Corresponding Member of RAS, Moscow state university of medcine and dentistry, Moscow, Russia
cMoscow state university of medcine and dentistry, Moscow, Russia
dMD, PhD, DMSci, Associate Professor, Samara state medical University, Samara, Russia
eI.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia
The aim of the study. To develop and demonstrate an algorithm for morphofunctional diagnostics of the dentoalveolar system of a patient with a skeletal form of Class III malocclusion (mesial occlusion) in combination with internal disorders of the temporomandibular joints (TMD) on a clinical example.
Objects and methods. A clinical example of examination of a patient with a skeletal form of mesial occlusion (gnathic form of mesial occlusion) associated with TMD, using the developed algorithm, which included clinical, anthropometric, Х-rays, functional, ultrasound methods and MRI is presented.
Results and discussion. The algorithm for complex diagnostics of the dentoalveolar system is described and tested on the patient with a (gnathic form of mesial occlusion) skeletal form of mesial occlusion, complicated by internal disorders of the TMJ; as a result of it’s use the differential diagnosis and the treatment plan were made, including splint therapy, followed by combined orthodontic-surgical treatment.
Conclusion. We have developed a comprehensive approach for the diagnostics of the stomatognathic system of patients with malocclusions associated with internal derangements of TMJ using modern methods, which allows to systematize the data obtained during the examination for making a differential diagnosis, treatment plan, objectively assessing the dynamics of indicators during and after treatment.
Keywords: diseases of the temporomandibular joints, internal derangements of the temporomandibular joints, temporomandibular disorder, malocclusions, morphofunctional diagnostics, mesial occlusion
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