Dentist № 4 (47) – 2022, pp. 38-44 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION
Effectiveness of treatment of wound defects of the hard palate mucosa with the use of surgical glue
A.A. Labonarskayaa, A.S. Lastovkab
aBelarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus
b MD, PhD, DMSci, Professor, Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus
Acquired defects of the mucous membrane of the hard palate are formed as the result of trauma and various surgical interventions in this area, and therefore the treatment of wound defects in the oral cavity is still an urgent and difficult task. The literature describes data on the successful use of drugs based on blood derivatives (fibrin and protein-aldehyde adhesives). The effectiveness of the application of the method developed by us for the treatment of wound defects of the hard palate mucosa using protein-aldehyde surgical adhesive in experimental studies made it possible to use this sealant in clinic.
The aim of the study. To study the effectiveness of the treatment of wound defects of the mucous membrane of the hard palate, using protein-aldehyde surgical adhesive.
Objects and methods. Examination and surgical treatment of 75 patients with formations in the hard palate of various etiologies was carried out. In the course of the study, three clinical groups of patients with various methods of treatment a wound defect were formed: group 1 – the wound surface was covered with a gauze bandage with a drug; group 2 – the wound defect was closed with surgical glue, according to the method we developed; group 3 – the wound defect was left opened, without the use of wound dressings or convergent sutures.
Result. It has been statistically proved that in the group with the use of surgical glue, the intensity of pain reduction, the dynamics of wound surface healing are higher, there are no complications, and the time, spent in hospital is reduced.
Conclusion. Long-term and reliable isolation of the wound defect in the area of the hard palate with surgical glue, in group 2 promotes active epithelialization of the wound defect, reduces the intensity of pain when eating and talking, reduces the percentage of complications, which reduces the patient’s stay in the hospital. The high efficiency of the method for the treatment of wound defects of the hard palate mucosa using protein-aldehyde surgical adhesive allows us to recommend its use in the practice maxillofacial surgery and surgical dentistry.
Keywords: wound defects of the hard palate, protein-aldehyde surgical glue, wound healing, postoperative complications, pain
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