Stomatologist № 1 (32) – 2019, pp. 77-82                                                                                                                             SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION

Evaluation of microcirculation of peri-implant tissues with fixed prosthetics based on dental implants

S.P. Rubnikovicha, Yu.L. Denisovab, S.V. Praylkinc

aMD, PhD, DMSci, Professor, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Minsk, Belarus
bMD, PhD, DMSci, Professor, Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus
cBelarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Minsk, Belarus

The aim of the study is to assess the microcirculation of peri-implant tissues in the area of fixed metal-ceramic prostheses based on dental implants fixed with the use of cement and screw fixation.
Objects and methods. The objects of the research were 63 patients with dentition defects replaced by fixed prostheses were examined, relying on dental implants 35–44 years old. Of these, the first group consisted of 30 patients in whom prostheses were made based on dental implants fixed with the use of cement fixation. The second group consisted of 33 patients in whom prostheses were made based on dental implants fixed using screw fixation. The control served 30 volunteers with a healthy periodontal and intact dentition. The microcirculatory state was determined using laser-optical diagnostics based on digital speckle photography.
Results and discussion. Comparing the results of treatment of patients of two groups, changes in microcirculation parameters were noted in the direction of improvement in the first group (traditional molded metal-ceramic prostheses based on dental implants with cement fixation) is less pronounced than in patients who used metal-ceramic prostheses based on dental implants fixed with using screw fixation. The trend towards normalization of microcirculation indices in the first group is less persistent, since long-term results after 12 months indicate newly emerging microcirculatory disorders. Indicators of microcirculation intensity in patients of the first group indicated that periodontal microcirculation was impaired during the entire treatment period, and the index values indicated mild inflammation.
Conclusions. Prosthetics of patients with dentition defects with nonremovable metal-ceramic prostheses based on dental implants according to laser-optical diagnostics based on digital speckle photography leads to a deterioration of the microcirculation of the peri-implant tissues 3 times compared with a healthy periodontal. The use of prostheses based on dental implants using screw fixation makes it possible to reduce the inflammatory process in the peri-implant tissues by 1.5 times for the 10th day, and in the long-term follow-up period it allows to obtain good therapeutic results. in 75.8% of patients and reduce the number complications from 63.6% to 24.2% compared with cement fixation. However, the full recovery of microcirculation to the norm was not noted, which prompts the continuation of the search for new methods of prosthetics based on dental implants.

Keywords: dental implantology, microcirculation, dental implantsupported prosthetics


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