Stomatologist № 1 (32) – 2019, pp. 50-55 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION
Clinical comparison of the effectiveness of piezosurgery application in sinus lift surgery
S.P. Rubnikovicha, I.S. Khomichb
aMD, PhD, DMSci, Professor, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Minsk, Belarus
bMD, PhD, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Minsk, Belarus
Aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness and compare the intraoperative and postoperative advantages and disadvantages of piezosurgery and traditional rotational instruments in the open sinus lift surgery when creating conditions for the subsequent dental implantation.
Objects and methods. The object of the study were 34 partially secondary edentulous patients that needed the sinus lift procedure. Cone-beam computed tomography was used to estimate the residual volume of bone tissue and determine the size of the intended implants. The patients were divided into two groups: I – the traditional method – with lateral approach to sinus membrane using rotating instruments and manual membrane elevators, II – with lateral approach and elevation of the Schneider membrane with a piezo-surgical instrument. Duration between creation of the bone window and the completion of the membrane elevation, membrane perforation frequency, visibility of the operative field, postoperative pain, swelling, sleep, food intake, phonetics, daily routine and missed working days, as well as the patient’s expectations before and after surgery were evaluated.
Results and discussion. There were no significant differences observed between groups in terms of frequency of Shneiderian membrane perforation, the duration of the surgery and the visibility of the surgical field, as well as the patient’s expectations before and after the. However, in the group with the traditional method (I), postoperative pain and swelling were significantly more common after the surgery compared with the piezo-surgical group (II).
Conclusions.. Sinus lift performed with the use of piezosurgery causes less postoperative pain and swelling compared with the traditional method. Neither of the surgical techniques impairs daily life nor increases the patient’s disability. The advantages of piezosurgery over traditional methods contribute to the improvement of bone wound healing and make it a highly effective method in dentistry.
Keywords: dental implant, secondary partial edentulism, cone-beam computed tomography, sinus lift, piezosurgery, rotating instruments
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