Stomatologist № 2 (33) – 2019, pp. 16-20 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION
Comparative assessment of cone beam computed tomography data changes in patients with chronic odontogenic sinusitis after different methods of postoperative rehabilitation
I.O. Pohodenko-Chudakovaa, A.V. Surinb, K.V. Vilkitskayac, N.I. Poliakovad
aMD, PhD, DMSci, Professor, Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus
bBelarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus
cMD, PhD, Associate Professor, Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus
dCDH, Maryina Gorka, Belarus
The aim of the study was to make a comparative assessment of changes in bone density and state of mucous membrane of maxillary sinus floor based on cone beam computed tomography data in patients with chronic odontogenic sinusitis after standart postoperative treatment and using electro reflexology in complex of rehabilitation measures.
Objects and methods. 60 people aged 18–50 years were included in the study and divided into groups. In the group 1 were enrolled 20 participants with chronic odontogenic maxillary sinusitis who underwent outpatient surgery and in the postoperative period were treated according to clinical standard treatment guidelines. The second group included 20 patients with the same diagnoses who received electro reflexology in addition to standard treatment in postoperative management. In the control group (group 3) were enrolled 20 healthy patients. Bone mineral density was measured in close proximity to the pathological focus. Assessment of state of mucous membrane was carried out by simple linear measurements. The research was performed twice: 1) first preparing for surgery 2) later 6 month after surgery.
Results and discussion. The study of bone density in region of maxillary sinus floor in close proximity to the pathological focus revealed significant differences between groups 1 and 2 and control group. 6 months after surgery results were equally positive different than the baseline data. Cone beam computed tomography data of the patients in group 1 6 months after surgery detected in 3 (15%) cases mucosal thickening by localization, shape and size matching edge contours of the window created for access to the maxillary sinus. No similar changes were noted in group 2.
Conclusions. Considering comparability of researched baseline data advantages in results received in second group may be completely attributed to the use of electro reflexology in complex of rehabilitation measures giving reasons to recommend a wider application of it in this category of patients.
Keywords: cone beam computed tomography, bone density, maxillary sinusitis, mucous membrane, electro reflexology
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