Evaluation of the strength characteristics of screw fixation of multi-unit abutments for dental implants with a plane type of connection under experimental conditions
S.P. Rubnikovich, S.V. Pryalkin, V.N. Busco
Express-test of the selected microflora in the contents of pathological periodontal pockets in patients with generalized periodontitis
L.N. Dedova, P.A. Semizhon, О.V. Каndrukevich, E.P. Scheslenok
Innovative methods of diagnosis and surgical treatment of median neck fistulas
A.S. Lastovka, T.V. Kakhanovich, V.V. Kitel, A.M. Nerovnya
Dental status of preschoolers and primary school children
T.N. Tserakhava, N.D. Cherniauskaya
Analysis of the prevalence of children’s diseases of the oral mucosa
A.V. Kuzmiankova, E.G. Asirian
Beta-lactamase activity of oral fluid: clinical aspects of the phenomenon
I.V. Zhyltsou
The methods of manufacturing adhesive prosthesis
N.V. Novak
Features of coronavirus infection clinical manifestations in the oral cavity: literature review
Yu.L. Denisova, K.Y. Egorova